additional resources#
On this page, you will find links to additional resources/materials relevant to the material covered in the workshop.
R resources#
R for Data Science (2e): A free online version of an excellent book providing an introduction to R and data science.
A Crash Course in the R Programming Language: A fairly comprehensive crash course/guide for the basics of R.
Programming with R: An online course introducing R.
Statology R Guides: A good resource for learning statistics that also has a number of guides for how to do various things in R.
git resources#
Git Handbook: A good, short introduction to git - what it is and why it’s worth using.
Understand the GitHub flow: A short explainer on the basic workflow for git - how to use branches to more easily keep track of your projects.
GitHub Training & Guides: YouTube channel for GitHub Training & Guides, which has a number of short-ish videos to help you get started with git and GitHub.
Learn Git Branching: A great interactive tutorial that will help you get some practical experience with different git commands.
Github without the command line: CodeRefinery is a project within the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration that provides training courses and workshops in scientific programming and computing. This course provides a good introduction to using GitHub (and git) without the command line tools.
Oh My Git!: An open source game about learning git - similar to learn git branching above, but presented in a gameified format to help you learn + understand the commands and concepts surrounding git.
other resources#
Software Carpentry: An organization dedicated to teaching researchers computing skills needed for research. They have lots of good, free online resources, including a course in R linked above.
Data Carpentry: An organization dedicated to teaching workshops that provide the fundamental data skills needed for research.
Stack Overflow: The go-to resource for finding solutions to issues related to programming. If you have a question/issue, there’s a good chance that someone else has already asked it, and gotten an answer. If not, you can post your question (be sure to check the posting guidelines!) to find help.