introduction to R using jupyterlab#


This is a non-interactive version of the exercise. If you want to run through the steps yourself and see the outputs, you’ll need to do one of the following:

  • follow the setup steps and work through the notebook on your own computer

  • open the workshop materials on binder and work through them online

  • open an R console or RStudio, copy the lines of code here, and paste them into the console to run them


Programming is a powerful tool that allows us to do complicated calculations and analysis, visualize data, and automate workflows to ensure consistency, accuracy, and reproducibility in our research.

In this exercise, you will get a basic introduction to the R programming language, including variables and objects, data types and data structures, and how to control the flow of our programs. Over the next few sessions, we will build on these ideas, using some real example data, to get more of an idea of how to use R in our research.

This is an interactive notebook - in between bits of text, there are interactive cells which you can use to execute snippets of R code. To run these cells, highlight them by clicking on them, then press CTRL and ENTER (or SHIFT and ENTER, or by pressing the “play” button at the top of this tab).


After finishing this exercise, you will:

  • learn and gain experience with some of the basic elements of R and programming

objects and assignment#

We’ll start by creating a new object, foo, and assigning it a value of "hello, world!":

foo <- "hello, world!" # assign an object using <-

In the text above (and the cell below), you should notice that the color of different parts of the text is different. We’ll discuss different aspects of this as we go, but pay attention to the greenish text that comes after the # - this indicates a comment, meaning text that is intended for humans to read, but that is ignored by R. We’ll discuss comments more when we start looking at writing scripts, but as you work through the exercises, make sure to read the comments - they’re there to help you understand what each line of code actually does.

After creating the foo object, we use the built-in print() function (more on these later) to see the value of that object. Go ahead and run the cell to get started:

foo <- "hello, world!" # assign an object using <-
print(foo) # print the object to the terminal

You should notice that the cell has changed. First, the square brackets ([ ]) have a number inside of them ([1]), and you can also see the output below the cell:

[1] "hello, world!"

The print() function allows us to print messages and information to the screen. We’ll see a number of other uses of it as we go, but you can also read more about it in the documentation.

One important thing to remember is that the name of an object is case-sensitive (meaning that foo is different from Foo):

print(Foo) # this won't work, because we haven't created an object called Foo yet

We’ll see more examples of error messages later (and how to interpret them), but hopefully the message:

Error in print(Foo): object 'Foo' not found

is clear enough. Because we were expecting this error message, we can ignore it and move on.

data types#

So, we’ve created our first object, foo. But what kind of object is foo? To find out, we can use the typeof() function (documentation):

typeof(foo) # use the typeof() function to find the type of an object

So foo is an object of type character, meaning that it is text.

In general, R has the following basic data types:

  • character, for text objects

  • numeric, for numbers. These can be divided into the following:

    • double, for floating-point (real) values

    • integer, for integer values

  • logical, for boolean (True/False) objects

  • complex, for complex numbers

Let’s look at an example of a numeric object:

x <- 1 # assign a value of 1 to the object x
typeof(x) # should be integer, right?

That’s interesting - even though we assigned an integer value to x, R has created an object of type double. This is because by default, numeric values in R are type double.

To create an object with an integer value, we append an L to each number (alternatively, we can coerce to the integer type using the as.integer() function):

x <- 1L

We’ll come back to data types more as we work through the example exercises.

data structures#

Most of the time, we’ll want to use groups of data, or data structures, rather than individual values. Just like with data types, R has a number of different data structures, ranging from one-dimensional to multi-dimensional structures.


A vector is the most basic data structure in R - it’s a one-dimensional sequence of a single data type.

To assign a vector explicitly, we can use the function c() (short for “combine”):

campuses <- c('Belfast', 'Coleraine', 'Jordanstown', 'Magee')


To access the individual elements of a vector, we need to use the index of that element, along with square brackets ([ and ]).

In the example above:

campuses <- c('Belfast', 'Coleraine', 'Jordanstown', 'Magee')

In R, the index of a vector starts at 1. “Coleraine” is the second element in the campuses vector, which means that it has an index of 2. We can check this with the following cell:

campuses[2] # return the second element from the 'campuses' vector

We can also use logical expressions or variables to select values from a vector:

numbers <- 1:10 # create a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10

numbers[numbers > 5] # select the values of numbers that are greater than 5


factors are vectors for categorical variables, where we have a limited number of unique character strings. As an example,

campus <- c("Belfast", "Coleraine", "Magee", "Magee", "Coleraine", "Coleraine", "Belfast", "Jordanstown")# create a vector
campus <- factor(campus) # turn it into a factor

print(campus) # examine the output

In the ouptut above, you can see that just like the vector example above, the output shows the contents of the factor (the list of campus names), but it also shows the levels: the unique categories of the variable. We can also specify the levels when creating the factor, which can help us order and sort the categories (for example, months); it can also help us identify data entry errors like typos (e.g., Coelraine instead of Coleraine):

campus <- c("Belfast", "Coelraine", "Magee", "Magee", "Coleraine", "Coleraine", "Belfast", "Jordanstown")# create a vector
campus <- factor(campus, levels=campuses) # specify the levels


Note how the second entry in the factor, is now NA (for Not Available), because Coelraine is not in our list of campuses.


factor and vector objects don’t allow for mixing types - we can’t have a vector with both character and numeric values, but we can have a vector of character values and a vector of numeric values.

If we want to mix data types, we can use a list:

a <- 1:5 # a sequence of numbers from 1 to 5
b <- c('these', 'are', 'characters') # a vector of character strings
c <- TRUE # a single boolean value

mixed_bag <- list(item_1=a, item_b=b, item_iii=c) # join the different objects into a list. Note that we have to specify the names of the list variables


Like with vector objects, we can select values/objects from the list using the index:

mixed_bag[2] # select the second item in the list

Note that the type of this selection is also a list:

item2 <- mixed_bag[2] # select the second item in the list and assign to a new object
typeof(item2) # get the type of the new object

In addition to using the index, we can select a single variable from the list using the $ operator:

mixed_bag$item_b # select the item_b variable from the mixed_bag list

When we select the variable this way, the resulting object is a vector, not a list - so the way that we select values from these data structures matters.

data frames#

While a list object allows us to mix and nest variables of different data types, it is one-dimensional - there is no association between the values of the different variables, because they can have different lengths.

A data frame (or data.frame) is a two-dimensional object - like a spreadsheet table. Each variable in a data.frame is a vector, and each vector has the same length.

Most often, this is how we will end up working with data sets - we load them from a file such as an Excel spreadsheet, CSV (comma-separated variable), or SPSS file into a data.frame, then work with the data.frame object. We can also create our own data frame using vector objects:

name <- c('Belfast', 'Derry', 'Bangor', 'Lisburn', 'Newry', 'Armagh') # a vector of city names
population <- c(345418, 83163, 61011, 45370, 27913, 14777) # a vector of populations corresponding to each city name

cities <- data.frame(name, population) # create a data frame from these vectors


Like vector and list objects, there are a number of ways to select values from a data.frame - the next four examples show different ways of selecting by index. Have a look at each of them in turn - note that the resulting object changes depending on how we select them!

cities[1] # this gives us the first column, as a data.frame
cities[, 1] # this also gives us the first column, but as a vector
cities[1, ] # this gives us the first row - note that this is also a data.frame!
cities[1, 2] # this gives us the entry in the first row, second column

We can also select variables in a data.frame by name, using the variable name as a character:

cities['name'] # returns the 'name' variable as a 6 x 1 data.frame

Using the $ operator, on the other hand, returns a vector, not a data.frame:

cities$name # this is a vector with length 6

Like we saw with vector objects, we can select subsets of the table using logical statements or variables - for example, by selecting all cities where the population is greater than 50,000:

cities[cities$population > 50000,] # gives us all rows where the population variable is larger than 50000

To get the variable names for the data.frame, we use the names() (documentation) built-in function:


basic arithmetic#

As you might guess, we will very often want to use R to perform calculations on our data. In this section, we’ll see how R can be used to perform basic arithmetic operations, and we’ll discuss the order of operations - that is, the order in which arithmetic operations are performed.

x <- 2
y <- 3

print(sprintf("x + y = %s", x + y)) # print the value of x+y (addition)
print(sprintf("x - y = %s", x - y)) # print the value of x-y (subtraction)
print(sprintf("x * y = %s", x * y)) # print the value of x*y (multiplication)
print(sprintf("x / y = %s", x / y)) # print the value of x/y (division)
print(sprintf("x ^ y = %s", x ^ y)) # print the value of x^y (exponentiation)
print(sprintf("y %% x = %s", y %% x)) # print the value of x%%y (modular division)

R, like other programming languages, has an order of operator precedence - that is, the order in which operators within the same statement are executed. They are the same as the order of operations for basic (non-computer) arithmetic:

  • Parentheses

  • Exponentials

  • Multiplication/Division

  • Addition/Subtraction

Before executing the following cell, think about what the output should be. Run the cell - does this result match with your expectation?

2 * (3 + 4)^2 - 1


So far, we’ve used a number of base functions, such as c(), print(), typeof(), and names(). We can also define our own functions to use. This has many benefits, including:

  • improved readability of code

  • eliminating repetitive code

  • allowing for easier debugging of a program/script

  • allowing us to re-use code in other programs/scripts

In R, we define a function using, oddly enough, the function() function (documentation), and assigning the output to our new function:

new_function <- function(arguments) {
    # this is the body of the function - add instructions (code) here
    return(something) # if we want to get the output of the function, we have to return it

The arguments to function() are the arguments that we want to pass to our new function - in essence, these are the objects that we will use in the function. After the call to function(), we have a block of code enclosed by curly brackets ({ and }) - this is where the instructions (code) that make up the function go. And finally, if we want to get something back from our function, we need to ue the return() function. If we don’t do this, R will run the instructions that make up the function, but it won’t give us any output.

To help illustrate this, let’s define a function for calculating the area of a circle. Mathematically, this is a function of the radius of the circle - equal to the constant pi multiplied by the radius squared. Run the cell below to create the new function, and then test it:

circle.area <- function(radius) {
    area <- pi * radius ^ 2 # alternatively, radius * radius
    return(area) # use return() to get a value back from the function

circle.area(10) # get the area of a circle with radius 10 (should be 314.15 ...)

In the cell below, I’ve started two more functions for calculating the surface area and volume of a sphere. For each function, fill in the code that will return the correct result, then confirm that your function output matches the values shown in the comment on each line.

sphere.area <- function(radius) {
    # your code goes here!

sphere.volume <- function(radius) {
    # your code goes here!

print(sphere.area(10)) # get the surface area of a sphere with radius 10 (should be 1256.637)
print(sphere.volume(10)) # get the volume of a sphere with radius 10 (should be 4188.79)

In the exercises to come, we’ll define and use a number of other functions.

control structures#

Finally, we’ll have a look at how we can use control structures to control when and how different parts of our code are executed.

  • if, else blocks, for executing code depending on different conditions

  • while loops, for repeating code while a certain condition is met

  • for loops, for repeating code a set number of times

The basic structure of the blocks is similar to what we saw with functions - first, we have the control statement (if, else, while, etc.), followed by a condition, and then the code to execute if that condition is met, enclosed in curly brackets:

control (condition) {
    # the body of the control block

comparison operators#

In order to use these control structures, however, we need a statement that can be evaluated to be TRUE or FALSE - a conditional statement. Most often, we do this using one of six basic comparison operators:

  • ==: for testing whether the value of two objects are equal to each other

  • !=: for testing whether the value of two objects are not equal to each other

  • <: for testing whether the value of one object is less than the value of another object

  • <=: for testing whether the value of one object is less than or equal to the value of another object

  • >: for testing whether the value of one object is greater than the value of another object

  • >=: for testing whether the value of one object is greater than or equal to the value of another object

These are not the only ways that we can write conditional statements, but they are some of the most common, especially as we’re starting out.

if … else statements#

We’ll start with a very basic control structure: an if statement. The code inside of the block is excecuted only if the condition is met - if not, the script/program continues without running the code inside of the block:

x <- 2

if (x > 0) {
    print("x is a positive number")

In the example above, the code inside of the block (print("x is a positive number")) will only be executed if the condition x > 0 is met - if the value of x is less than zero, nothing will happen (change the value of x in the cell above to see for yourself!).

We may also want to provide alternatives, where two or more blocks of code are executed depending on the evaulation of one or more conditional statements. We’ll begin with the most basic, an if … else statement:

x <- -1

if (x > 0) {
    print("x is a positive number")
} else {
    print("x is less than or equal to 0")

In an if … else statement, we start with the if statement. Immediately after the if statement, we place the else statement. The code in this block will only be executed if the condition is FALSE - if the condition is TRUE, the code in the if statement is executed, and the code in the else statement is skipped.

We can also evaluate more than one condition, using an else-if statement:

x <- 1

if (x > 0) {
    print("x is a positive number")
} else if (x == 0) {
    print("x is equal to 0")
} else {
    print("x is a negative number")

With an else-if statement, we can have as many conditional branches, or cases, as we like. The else block at the end is optional, but it has to come at the end. This is because only one of these blocks can be executed - the block corresponding to the first condition that returns TRUE when evaluated.

while loops#

A while loop is used to repeat a section of code, so long as a given condition is met. At the beginning of each iteration of loop, the interpreter checks the condition - if it is TRUE, the code is executed; if FALSE, the code inside the loop is skipped.

When defining a while loop, it’s extremely important to remember to provide some way for the condition to evaluate as FALSE - if the condition is always TRUE, the loop will never stop running (an infinite loop). Most often, we can do this by updating the variable that is evaluated in the condition, as seen in the example below:

n <- 10

print("Countdown begins. Launch in ...")
while (n > 0) {
    n <- n - 1 # subtract one from n

Here, the value of n changes each time the loop is run, so it will (eventually) reach 0, and the loop will terminate.

for loops#

A for loop is used to repeat code for a set number of repetitions - for example, each value in a sequence or a vector. At the beginning of the loop, the value of the iterator takes on the first value in the sequence; when the program reaches the bottom of the loop, it returns to the top and changes the value of the iterator to the next value in the sequence. We can see this using our campus vector from earlier:

campuses <- c('Belfast', 'Coleraine', 'Jordanstown', 'Magee')

# loop over all of the values in campuses
for (campus in campuses) {
    print(campus) # print the campus name

We can also combine control structures - for example, by including an if … else statement inside of a for loop:

campuses <- c('Belfast', 'Coleraine', 'Jordanstown', 'Magee')

# loop over all of the values in campuses
for (campus in campuses) {
    if (campus == 'Coleraine') {
        # if the value of campus equals 'Coleraine', end the loop
        break # break
    } else {
        print(campus) # print the campus name

The break statement statement is used to “break out” of a for loop - once a condition is met that causes it to be executed, the loop is terminated and the program continues running from there.


That’s all for this exercise. In this lesson, we have introduced the following concepts:

  • variables, objects, values, and assignment

  • data types

  • data structures:

    • vectors

    • lists

    • data frames

  • indexing

  • arithmetic operations

  • functions

  • flow control using logic

Next, we’ll put some of this to work by having a look at a broken program, and see if we can manage to fix it.