EGM722: programming for gis and remote sensing#

The aim of this module is to provide you with skills and experience to use programming tools for specialised and reproducible GIS and remote sensing analysis. The topics covered include (but are not limited to):

  • Introduction to basic version control using git

  • Introduction to the python programming language

  • Creating and using conda environments

  • Using debugging tools to fix errors

  • Working with vector data in python

  • Working with raster data in python

  • Creating interactive maps using folium

  • Searching for and downloading data using an API

  • Automating GIS tasks with python (scripting)

Using open-source python packages, the module demonstrates how many standard GIS tools can be used programmatically to automate repetitive tasks and produce repeatable analyses.

Before moving on to the lectures and practicals below, be sure to visit the setup page to make sure that you have the software and materials set up in order to get started.


lecture theme

practical exercise(s)


introduction to git and programming

intro to python

debugging exercise


additional python concepts

mapping with cartopy

conflict resolution (using git)


vector data using shapely and geopandas

interactive maps with folium


raster data using rasterio

searching + downloading satellite data using earthaccess


zonal statistics using rasterstats

more fun with geopandas