correlation and regression in spss#

The purpose of this practical is to continue introducing you to SPSS, and complement the theoretical material presented in the lectures, discussions, and reading material. The experience gained in analyzing and presenting data should also help you continue to develop your confidence in using, presenting, and discussing numerical results.

In this practical, we will take a step beyond the basics of importing data into SPSS, calculating descriptive statistics, and creating plots. We will see how we can compare different subsets of our data, calculate trends using linear regression, and how we can analyze those results.


The material covered in this practical assumes that you have worked through the lecture material and reading from Week 6, where we introduce topics like correlation and regression.

If you have not worked through this material yet, you might have a difficult time answering some of the questions.

getting started#


No, seriously. If you have not yet completed all the steps from the Week 6 practical, you should stop here and make sure that you finish them before moving on.

To get started, open SPSS using either the Start menu (Start > IBM SPSS Statistics > IBM SPSS Statistics), double-click the desktop icon (if it exists), or click on the taskbar icon (if it exists).

When SPSS launches, you should see the normal welcome screen:

the SPSS Welcome screen

To open your previous files, you may need to click on the Recent Files tab. Then, click on Open another file, followed by Open.

the SPSS welcome screen, with the "recent files" tab active and "open another file" selected

Browse to where you have saved your .sav file, and open it:

the ArmaghData.sav file re-opened in SPSS.

You can also open the .spv file from the File menu (File > Open > Output), then browsing to where you have saved it:

the ArmaghData.spv file re-opened in SPSS.


If at any point you accidentally close the Viewer window, this is one way that you can re-open it.

creating a box plot#


Before starting this section, make sure that you have removed any splits from your dataset!

As a reminder: Select Split File from the Data menu (Data > Split File), then make sure that you select Analyze all cases, do not create groups.

Open the Boxplot dialog by selecting it from the Graphs menu (Graphs > Boxplot). You should see the following:

the boxplot dialog, showing "simple" boxplot selected

Ensure that Simple boxplot is selected (the default), and that Data in chart are is set to Summaries for groups of cases. Click Define to bring up the definition dialog:

the blank "define simple boxplot" dialog, with no variables added yet

As before, we need to tell SPSS what variables to use for the plot. The Variable that we are going to be plotting is Monthly total precipitation, in mm, while the Category Axis should be Month recorded. Select each of these in turn and add them to the correct fields.

The dialog should now look like this:

the "define simple boxplot" dialog, with the variable and category axis variables added

Now, click on Options to bring up the options dialog:

the "options" dialog for the simple boxplot. Most of the options are grayed out.

Unlike with the bar chart, we don’t have very many options to change here. The variable that we are plotting here (Rain) doesn’t have very many missing values, but in the future you might want to select Display groups defined by missing values, which will display a report about missing values.

Click Continue, then click OK to finish creating the boxplot. You should see the following in your Data Viewer window:

the spss data viewer window. A boxplot showing the distribution of rainfall by month is shown, with outliers labelled by case number.


As you have done previously, re-name this from “Explore” to something more recognizable so that you can easily find it in your outputs. In the example above, I have chosen “Monthly Precipitation Boxplot”.

SPSS has output two items here - the boxplot, and the Case Processing Summary. This summary breaks down the number of values by case, so that you can see what percentage of each group is missing/invalid values. As a general rule, it’s a good idea to check this and make sure you don’t have an unexpectedly high percentage of missing values, or an uneven number of observations for each group.


  • What month(s) have missing values?

  • What percentage of the total does this represent?

  • Do you think that this will make a substantial difference for calculating the boxplot for each month? Why or why not?

By default, SPSS labels the outliers by case number - this way, we can go back into the Data Editor to view each outlier. This looks a bit messy on the plot, so we can turn it off using the Chart Editor.

To open the Chart Editor for a chart, just double-click on it in the Data Viewer. You should see the following window open up:

the chart editor window for the boxplot

As you might imagine, there are a number of options that we can change using the Chart Editor, including changing the orientation of the boxplot (so the boxes are horizontal rather than vertical). For now, we’re only going to turn off the data labels, but feel free to have a look at the different menus to see what options might be available.

To turn off the data labels, click on the Elements menu:

the chart editor window for the boxplot, with the elements menu shown

Click on Hide Data Labels to turn off the case number label for the outliers, then close the Chart Editor. In the Data Viewer window, you should see that the labels have been removed:

the spss data viewer window. A boxplot showing the distribution of rainfall by month is shown, with outliers no longer labelled by case number.


Look at the box plot that you have just created and compare it with the bar chart that you created last week. Which of these two plots conveys more information about the distribution of monthly rainfall? Why do you think this? Use these two graphs to try to answer the following questions:

  • Which month appears to have the least variability?

  • Which month(s) appear to be the most/least symmetrical?

  • Which month(s) had the lowest recorded rainfall?

Once you are confident that you can understand and answer the questions above, move on to the next steps.


Remember to save your .spv and .sav files!

creating a date variable#

Most software programs that you will encounter have a special way of handling dates, to make it possible to compute the amount of time that has passed between different dates and times, or to do other calculations involving dates and time.

SPSS is no exception, so if we want to be able to make plots of variable values over time, we will need to convert our Year/Month variables into a Date variable.

From the Transform menu, select Date and Time Wizard. This will open the following dialog:

the date and time wizard dialog

Select Create a date/time variable from variables holding parts of dates or times, then click Next:

the first step of the date and time wizard dialog

In this step, we tell SPSS what variables correspond to what parts of the Date variable we want to calculate. Note that we don’t have to fill all of these out - because we only have Month and Year variables, those are what we need to set.

Highlight Year in the Variables box, then click the arrow button next to Year. Do the same for Month, so that the dialog looks like this:

the first step of the date and time wizard dialog, with "year" and "month" variables set.

Now, click Next. This is where we set the name and label of the new variable and select the Output Format - how we want the date to be displayed.

Name the new variable Date and add an appropriate label (e.g., “Date measurement was recorded”).

Select the yyyy/mm/dd format - when we create the new variable, the first value should look like 1853/01/01/, for 01 January 1853. Click Finish to create the new variable:

the final step of the date and time wizard dialog, with the variable name, format, and label selected.

If you like, you can re-arrange the variable order in the Variable View tab of the Data Editor window so that the Date variable is at the top. To do this, click on the number next to the variable you want to move, then drag the variable to the new position while holding down the mouse button.

Once you are happy with the order of the variables, move on to the next steps.

scatter plots in spss#


For the next few sections, make sure that you have Split the file based on meteorological season. If you aren’t sure how to do this, you can refer to last week’s practical for a refresher.

We can create a scatter plot in SPSS in the same way that we created histograms, bar charts, and boxplots. The instructions below will show this using the Chart Builder, but you can also use the Dialog (Graphs > Scatter/Dot).

To start, open the Chart Builder (Graphs > Chart Builder).

Under Gallery in the lower left corner, select Scatter/Dot, then select Scatter Plot by double-clicking on the icon (red outline):

the "chart builder" dialog, with "scatter plot" highlighted in a red outline.

In this part of the practical, we’re going to look at the relationship between the number of hours of sun in a given month (the Sun variable) and the monthly minimum temperature (Tmin), using Sun as the explanatory variable, and Tmin as the response variable.

To do this, click and drag the Sun variable to the X-Axis? box, and the Tmin variable to the Y-Axis? box:

the "chart builder" dialog, with the two variables added to the chart.

Click OK, and you should see four scatter plots created in the Viewer window.

the "data viewer" window, with the four scatter plots added.


If you do not see four scatter plots, check that you have split the data based on Season, then repeat the previous steps.


Describe the four different relationships that you see.

  • Of the four, which season seems to have the strongest relationship between hours of sun and minimum temperature?

  • Are there any seasons where you see a negative relationship between hours of sun and minimum temperature?

  • Can you think of a physical explanation for why you see these relationships?


Remember to Save your outputs and data before moving on!

calculating correlation in spss#

Remember that scatter plots can give us a visual representation of the relationship between two variables, and we can even estimate the direction and strength of the (linear) relationship based on the scatter of the points.

As we have covered in the lectures, visual inspection is not the only method we have - we can also calculate the correlation between variables.

First, open the Bivariate Correlations dialog (“bivariate” meaning “two variables”) from the Analyze menu (Analyze > Correlate > Bivariate):

the "bivariate correlations" dialog

As you can see, SPSS offers three methods for estimating correlation available in this dialog, two of which we have covered in the lectures:

Kendall’s τb rank correlation is a method for estimating correlation when you have many tied ranks in your data - we’re not going to explore it in detail here, but you can read more about it through the link above.

In the dialog, add Sun and Tmin to the list of Variables and select both Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients.

At the bottom of the window, de-select Flag significant correlations - we’ll discuss “significant” correlations more in next week’s lecture and practicals.

Because we only have two variables, select Show only the lower triangle, and de-select Show diagonal - this way, we will see the correlations for each variable in a single column:

the "bivariate correlations" dialog, with the variables added and selections as listed above.

Click OK, and you should see two tables added to the Viewer window:

the viewer window, with two tables showing the correlation between hours of sun and mean temperature.

The first table, “Correlations”, shows the Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the variables. The second, “Nonparametric Correlations”, shows the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (or “Spearman’s rho”).


Compare the correlation values for each season.

  • Do the correlation measures that you see here match the expectations that you had, based on the scatter plots? Why or why not?

  • What differences between the two correlation measures do you notice?1

  • Do any seasons have a negative correlation between hours of sun and minimum temperature? If so, can you think of a physical explanation for why that might happen?

regression in spss#

Now that we’ve made scatter plots and calculated the correlation between these two variables, we’ll see how we can use SPSS to do linear regression, to estimate the (linear) relationship between them.

To begin, open the Curve Estimation dialog (Analyze > Regression > Curve Estimation):

the "curve estimation" dialog.

As you can see in this dialog, SPSS allows you to use a wide range of models to estimate the relationships between two variables, including quite a few that we’ve mentioned in the lectures. For now, we’ll stick to the Linear model, but in the future you may work with data that exhibit some other form of relationship.

Add the Tmin variable to the Dependent(s) field, and then add the Sun variable to the Independent field:

the "curve estimation" dialog, with the sun and tmin variables added

This will find the “best-fit” line using monthly hours of sun as the explanatory (independent) variable, and the monthly minimum temperature as the response (dependent) variable. Make sure that Plot models is checked, then click OK to run the regression.

You should see a number of tables and graphs added to the Viewer window:

the "data viewer" window, with the regression output added.


Look at each of the four graphs. Of the four seasons, which slope is the largest (in absolute value)? How do the correlation coefficients that we calculated earlier compare to the slopes of the regression line?

reading the model summary#

Now look at the Model Summary and Parameter Estimates table2:

the "model summary and parameter estimates" table.

This table has the following columns in the Model Summary section:

  • Equation, which tells you the type of model used in the regression

  • R Square, the coefficient of determination (R2)

  • F, the F-statistic (more on this next week)

  • df1 and df2, the number of degrees of freedom for the F-distribution (more on this next week)

  • Sig. the results of the significance test for the regression (more on this next week)


In your own words, what does the R2 value for Spring tell us about the linear relationship between hours of sun and monthly minimum temperature for Spring months? What about for the other months?

In the Parameter Estimates section of the table, we have:

  • Constant, the estimate of the intercept of the linear model (β in the lecture notes)

  • b1, the estimate of the slope of the linear model (α in the lecture notes)


Putting this all together using the example table above, the equation for the relationship between monthly hours of sun and the monthly mean temperature (Tmean) for Summer would be:

Temperature=0.007Hours of Sun+13.724

This means that for every unit increase of Sun, the predicted value of Tmean increases by 0.007°C. At 0 hours of Sun, the predicted value of Tmean is 13.724°C.

comparing slopes#

Re-do the previous regression analysis, but this time use Tmax instead of Tmin. Use the resulting table, along with your results from Tmin, to answer the following questions.


In which season do you see the largest difference between the estimated R2 value (R squared in the Model Summary and Parameter Estimates table)? Why do you think this might be the case?

Remember to think about what the R2 value represents!


In which season(s) do you see the largest difference between the estimated slope values? Are there any relationships that have an opposing sign (in other words, one is negative and one is positive)?


To help you answer these questions, you could open a new Excel spreadsheet, enter the values of b1 from each table, and use a formula to calculate the difference between them:

an excel workbook, set up to compare differences in R² value for Tmax and Tmean by season


If you are working on a lab computer, make sure that you upload the .sav and .spv files to OneDrive BEFORE leaving the computer lab.

If you do not, you will lose your work, and you will need to re-complete the steps of this practical to be able to answer the questions on the assessment!

next steps#

Instead of splitting the data based on Season, split based on Month and re-run the scatter plot and correlation steps outlined above.


  • What month(s) has/have the strongest correlation between hours of sun and mean temperature? Why do you think this might be the case?

  • Do all of the months in a season show the same relationship? What effect do you think this might have on the overall relationship for each season?



Remember: Pearson’s correlation assesses the linear relationship only, while Spearman’s assesses the monotonic relationship. so large (> 0.3 or so) differences may mean that the relationship is not entirely linear.


As always, the values that you see might be different to the values shown in these screenshots. The example here shows monthly mean temperature (Tmean) rather than the minimum temperature (Tmin).