
atlas is the newer HPC cluster in the School, with 6 nodes (5 compute nodes + 1 head node). The compute nodes each have 64 CPUs (64 cores/1 thread per core) and 512 GB RAM each. The operating system is RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.8, which uses the bash shell by default.


The first thing to note when you log in on atlas is that many programs are not automatically added to your path. We can check this using which, a program that tells us the location of the program/executable script that appears first in our path - if that program/file is not available, which exits with an error:

which R

You should see something like the following:

/usr/bin/which: no R in (<PATH>)

This is because typically, HPCs have a large number of users, each with different software needs. These different software packages in turn have their own dependencies - rather than accidentally installing an incompatible version of a program (and thereby breaking a different program), many HPCs use the Environment Modules (modules) package to help keep things from breaking.

To see what modules you currently have loaded, you can use the following command:

module list
the output of the module list command on atlas, showing 5 modules loaded

This should show that you have 5 or so modules loaded - you may see something slightly different.

To see a list of all of the available modules, use the avail option:

module avail
the output of the module avail command on atlas, showing the list of available modules

If we look at the options for R, we can see that there are actually two versions available: R/4.2.2 and R/3.6.3.

When there are multiple options like this, leaving off the version name will load the default (in this case, version 4.2.2). We can also specify which version. Let’s load the default version of R using module load:

module load R

“Under the hood”1, module is changing environment variables, such as PATH, to enable you to run these different programs/commands without having to type the full path to the executable file.

We should now be able to see that R is available in our PATH:

which R

This time, you should see something like this:


and, we can see that R/4.2.2 has been added to our list of loaded modules:

module list
the output of the module list command, showing that R has been loaded in addition to the original modules

Finally, if we want to unload a module, we can use the unload option:

module unload R


If you want to change versions of a module, it is better to first unload, then load - this way, the changes made to your PATH and other environment variables by loading the first version are undone, before being re-done when you call module load again.


The HPC scheduler used on atlas is the Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (SLURM).2 To submit jobs to the scheduler, you can either write a batch script, which contains all of the information needed by the scheduler to run the job: the resources required, the commands or programs to run the job, etc.

Alternatively, you can also submit jobs using command-line options - for example, if you have a python script,, that defines the job you want to run:

sbatch <sbatch arguments> -f <command-line arguments for>

This enables you to submit jobs using scripts written in any language, without needing to write an additional wrapper script. For this exercise, we will stick to writing and submitting a batch script.

A list of basic commands used for Slurm are below - remember to use man, help, or an internet search for more information about optional arguments to these commands:




submitting a job


check information about jobs in the queue

scancel JOBID

cancel {JOBID}

sstat --jobs=JOBID

analyze the currently running {JOBID}

For more complete information about Slurm, see the online documentation.

example job#

Now, let’s get some practice submitting a job and monitoring the output. Make sure that you are still logged in to the cluster, and that you have loaded the slurm module:

module load slurm

Next, use nano to create a new script, in your home directory:


Then, copy and paste the code below into the file, then save and exit:

### put the job name here - this will help you identify it
#SBATCH --job-name=first_job

# Define, how many nodes you need. Here, we ask for 1 node.
# Each node has 64 cores.
#SBATCH --nodes=1

### time needed to execute, in days-hours:minutes:seconds
#SBATCH --time=00:01:20

# How much memory you need.
# --mem will define memory per node and
# --mem-per-cpu will define memory per CPU/core. Choose one of those.

### run the following commands
echo "This script is running on: "$HOSTNAME
echo "This script was submitted by: "$USER
sleep 60

This incredibly dull script does the following things:

  • prints the name of the node that the job is running on ($HOSTNAME)

  • prints the name of the user that submitted the job ($USER)

  • waits 60 seconds

… and that’s it. Submit the script using sbatch:


After pressing Enter, you should see a message like the following:

Submitted batch job 369

The script should run for just long enough that we can use squeue to check whether it’s running:

the output of squeue, showing a single job running

In each row of the table, you can see the job id(s) for any jobs that have been submitted, the name of the job, the name of the user that submitted the job, the status of the job (ST), the number of nodes being used, and the name(s) of the nodes being used.

The status of the job will typically be one of the following values:

  • PD: the job is currently queued to run

  • R: the job is currently running

  • CD: the job is completed

  • CG: the job is finishing, with some still-active processes

  • F: the job exited with an error

A full list of status codes can be found in the documentation.

specifying resources#

In the example script above, we used a special kind of comment to pass information to the job scheduler. Each of these lines in the script began like this:


For example, to give the job a name, we used the --job-name argument:

#SBATCH --job-name=first_job

The different options to use with #SBATCH are the same as the command-line options and arguments for sbatch - to see a complete list, check the man page or see the online documentation.

the slurm environment#

By default, when you submit a job using sbatch, the script runs in the same environment that you submitted the job from. This means that:

  • the default working directory is the same as the directory you submitted the job from. Any relative paths used in your script will be relative to that directory.

  • any environment variables (e.g., PATH) will be the same as they are when you submit the job. This means that you need to remember to run commands like module load before submitting your script; alternatively, you could also include these commands in the script itself.

sample script#

An example batch script is shown in the box below. Feel free to copy and adjust the script for your own use - just remember that it will only work on a system that uses Slurm.

### put the job name here - this will help you identify it
#SBATCH --job-name=NAME

# Define, how many nodes you need. Here, we ask for 1 node
# and 2 cores.
# Each node has 64 cores.
#SBATCH -N 1 -n 2

### time needed to execute, in days-hours:minutes:seconds
#SBATCH --time=00:01:20

# How much memory you need.
# --mem will define memory per node and
# --mem-per-cpu will define memory per CPU/core. Choose one of those.

### run the following commands



or “bonnet”, depending on your native flavor of English


yes, this is an intentional reference to Slurm, the most popular carbonated beverage in the universe.