working with files#

Now that we have seen how we can navigate the file system and create new directories, let’s take a closer look at how we can create and manipulate files and directories from the shell.

text editors#

We’ll start by using a text editor to create a new text file.


A very important thing to note here is that “text” really does mean “text”. A text editor only works with plain character data: no formatting, no images, no tables, no bells and/or whistles.1

Examples of common text editors available for Windows include Notepad (installed by default) and Notepad++.

I recommend using Notepad++ (available here), because it offers many useful features beyond the basic level provided by Notepad. In a pinch, though, Notepad will still get the job done - there’s probably a reason it’s still bundled with Windows after over four decades.


For this example, we’ll be using (nano), a free text editor that ships with almost all bash terminal emulators.

nano is called directly from the command prompt. As with other programs we have looked at, we can use the --help flag to learn more about the options available:

nano --help

As you can see from the output, we can call nano on its own, or by specifying a file name. Let’s launch nano on its own - we can specify a file name when we want to save the file:

a new empty buffer opened in the nano text editor

In this file, we can add some important notes about using the shell so far - feel free to add your own:

notes about the HPC course added to the empty buffer

the ctrl button#

After you have begun typing some notes, you should see the word Modified appear in the upper right-hand corner. This indicates that you have unsaved changes to the file.

At the bottom of the screen, you should also notice that there are a number of commands available:

the commands visible in the nano text editor window

For example, the command to “Write Out” (save) the file is ^O. The first character here, ^, is used to indicate the Ctrl key. So, to save the file, we need to press both the Ctrl key and the O key at the same time. When you do that, you should see the following:

nano prompting the user to enter a file name to write the ouput to

Here, we have to tell nano what file name to use - let’s go with notes.txt. Once you have typed in a filename, press Enter to save the file. You should see something like the following:

the nano text editor indicating the 6 lines have been written to a file

This indicates that the program wrote 6 lines of text to the file - note that the file name (notes.txt) is now displayed at the top center of the window.

In other contexts, you may also see Ctrl button combinations indicated as any of the following - for example, using the ^O example:

  • ^O

  • Control-O

  • Control+O

  • Ctrl-O

  • Ctrl+O

  • C-O

Any of these indicate that you should press both the Ctrl button and the other button at the same time.

the “meta” key#

You should also see a few key combinations with the “meta” key, indicated by M - for example, the command to undo changes is M-U.

The “meta” key will most likely be different for different operating systems. For OSX, it is usually the Esc (Escape) key; for Windows and most Linux distributions, either the Esc key or the Alt key can be used.

Try to undo your most recent changes using M-U, then re-do them using M-E - you should see that the message “Undid {change}” appears:

the nano text editor indicating that a change has been undone

followed by “Redid {change}”:

the nano text editor indicating that a change has been redone


Finally, to exit the program, press both the Ctrl and X keys at the same time (i.e., ^X). Note that if you have any unsaved changes to the file, you will be prompted to save them - you can choose to do so (Y), or to discard those changes (N), or to cancel exiting the program (^C).

file permissions#

Now that we have created a file, let’s have a look at who is allowed to do what with the file - that is, the permissions that are set on the file.

From the shell, we can use the ls command, along with the -l option, to list more information about the files in the current directory:

ls -l

When you enter this command, you should see something like the following:

the output of ls -l in the current directory

Each file/directory in the current directory is listed on a separate line, along with additional details. In the screenshot above, I’ve highlighted the line corresponding to the notes.txt file:

-rw-rw-r--    1 bob bob    187 jan.   3 11:47 notes.txt

Each block in the line tells us the following information:

  • the file permissions (-rw-rw-r--);

  • the number of links (names) for the file (1);

  • the “owner” of the file (bob);

  • the “group” of the file (bob);

  • the file size in bytes (187);

  • the date and time the file was last updated (jan. 3 11:47);

  • and finally, the file name (notes.txt).

Some of these should be fairly self-explanatory (i.e., the file owner, size, last updated, and name). The permissions, though, are probably a bit confusing.

The permissions block is 10 characters long - the first character in the permissions block indicates the type of file. The most common types that you will find are most likely:

  • d - for directories;

  • l - for links;

  • - - for other files.

The remaining nine characters are divided into three triplets that indicate the types of permissions for the file at different levels: user (the “owner” of the file, represented by a u), group (g), and other (o), displayed in that order.

Files (and directories) have three different types of permissions: reading, writing, and execution:






reading the contents of files/directories




modifying the contents of files/directories




run a file as a program/enter or run commands in a directory



If a type of permission is granted for a given level, that symbol (r, w, or x) will be shown in the permission block; if it is not, a dash (-) will be visible in its place.

For example, notes.txt has the following permissions set:

  • the file owner (bob): rw-, indicating that the user bob has both read and write permission for the file.

  • the file group (bob): rw-, indicating that members of the group bob have both read and write permission for the file;

  • all other users: r--, indicating that other users may only read, but not modify, the file.

In the next section, we’ll see how we can change permissions for a file.

changing permissions#

To change or modify permissions for files and directories, we use the chmod command.


As a general rule, it’s best to avoid granting full permissions for a file or directory to all users, as it means that any user on the computer has the ability to modify (or delete!) the file/directory.

using characters#

The basic structure of the chmod command is:

chmod who=permissions file

For example, to change notes.txt so that “other” users (o) can read and modify the file, we would use the following:

chmod o=rw notes.txt
setting permissions on a file using chmod

In the screenshot above, we can see how this has changed the permissions block using ls -l. Before running chmod, the output of ls -l was:

-rw-rw-r-- 1 bob bob 187 jan.   3 11:47 notes.txt

indicating that “other” users could read (but not write) the file.

After running chmod, the output is:

-rw-rw-rw- 1 bob bob 187 jan.   3 11:47 notes.txt

indicating that other users now have read and write permissions for the file.

Note that by setting permissions in this way, we have to be sure that we include all of the permissions we want for a given level - if we leave one out, it won’t be set. For example, this:

chmod o=w notes.txt

will change the “other” permissions to be write-only:

setting permissions to be write-only by forgetting to specify other permissions

For this reason, we can add to (or remove from) the existing permissions using + (or -).

For example, we could add write permissions for other users like this:

chmod o+w notes.txt
adding permissions using chmod

and we can remove write permissions like this:

chmod o-w notes.txt
removing permissions using chmod

We can also specify multiple levels at a time - for example, to remove write permissions for everyone but the file owner, we could use the following command:

chmod u=rw,g-w,o-w notes.txt
combining different permissions levels using chmod

And finally, if we want to set the same permissions for all levels, we can use a:

chmod a=rw notes.txt
using chmod to set the same permissions for all levels

using numbers#

In addition to the symbolic representation (r, w, and x), we can use the octal representation to set the permissions for a file.

To help explain this, let’s view a single permission block as a series of binary switches, with “1” indicating that the permission is given, and “0” indicating that the permission is absent:

rwx -> 111
rw- -> 110
r-x -> 101
r-- -> 100

… and so on.

In binary notation, the number 111 is equal to 7 - and so, the octal value (and the decimal value) corresponding to rwx permissions is 7 (= 4 + 2 + 1, the sum of the octal values for each permission type). Similarly, the binary value 110 is equal to 6, and the octal value for rw- is 6 (= 4 + 2 + 0)

By representing each level of permission as a single octal value (one each for user, group, and other), we have a convenient way of representing a given permission setting. For example, let’s look at the original permission setting of notes.txt again:

-rw-rw-r--    1 bob bob    187 jan.   3 11:47 notes.txt

Here, the u level permissions (rw-) corresponds to an octal value of 6, the g level permissions (rw-) correspond to an octal value of 6, and the o level permissions (r--) correspond to an octal value of 4. This means that we can represent this permission setting as the octal value 664.

In fact, if you enter the following command:

chmod 664 notes.txt

you should notice that the permissions do not change:

using chmod to set permissions using octal representation

Note that we are only able to set permissions for all levels using the octal representation - we can’t add/remove permissions using + or -, and we can’t specify levels using u, g, or o.

moving files (and directories)#

Now that we’ve seen how we can view and edit permissions, we’ll look at a few other useful commands for manipulating files and directories from the shell.

We’ll begin with mv, which is used to move (or rename) files and directories.


To move a file (or multiple files) to a different directory, we use the following command:

mv file [file2 ...] directory


If we have more than two arguments to mv, the final argument must be an existing directory - if it is not, mv will exit with an error.

For example, let’s say that we wanted to move notes.txt to the Documents directory:

mv notes.txt Documents

Run this command, then use ls to confirm that the file (a) is no longer in the current working directory, and (b) is in the Documents directory.


Note that if directory does not already exist, mv will simply rename the file to the “directory” name given, so be sure to pay attention to your directory names!


As noted above, we can also use mv to rename existing files:

mv file1 file2


Note that if file2 already exists, it will be silently replaced (i.e., there will be no warning) by the contents of file1 – remember to be very cautious when using this command!

To avoid this, you can also use the -i option, which will prompt you to confirm whether you want to replace an existing file:

using the -i option to avoid overwriting existing files

We can also use mv to rename directories:

mv directory1 directory2


If directory2 already exists, directory1 will be moved into directory2.

copying files#

To copy files, we use the cp command - for example, to copy file1 to file2, use the following command:

cp file1 file2


As with mv, if file2 already exists, it will be silently replaced by the contents of file1. To avoid this, you can use the -i option, which will prompt you to confirm whether you want to replace the existing file.

We can also use cp to copy file(s) into a directory:

cp file [file2 ...] directory

This will copy the contents of file to directory/file (and file2 to directory/file2, and so on).

copying directories#

To copy entire directories, we can’t simply use cp:

we can't use cp to copy directories without specifying the -r flag

Instead, we need to use the -r (for “recursive”) option:

cp -r directory1 directory2


If directory2 does not exist, it will be created with this command (and filled with the contents of directory1). If it exists, directory1 will be copied into the existing directory directory2.


What if we want to manipulate many files at once, without having to explicitly type them all out? We can do this by using wildcards: special characters that allow us to specify groups of filenames based on a pattern of characters.

The main wildcards that you will use are listed below:




any number of characters


any single character


any character that is a member of the set characters


any character that is not a member of the set characters

Sets of characters can either be expressed:

  • explicitly (i.e., [abc] would match a, b, or c);

  • as a range (i.e., [0-5] would match numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5);

or by using POSIX character classes, such as the following:

POSIX class



any alphanumeric character


any alphabetic character


any numeric character


any uppercase alphabetic character


any lowercase alphabetic character

We can also combine different wildcards to create more complicated wildcard expressions. The table below shows a few different examples of patterns and what file(s) they would match:




all filenames


any filename that ends with the characters .txt


any filename that starts with Box1 and ends in 0, 1, or 2


any filename that starts with Box followed by exactly one character


any filename that starts with Box followed by exactly one digit


any filename that does not start with a lowercase alphabetic character

Any command that can accept filename arguments (i.e., ls, mv, cp) can be used with wildcard arguments. Most of the time, the shell will “expand” the wildcard expression (create a list of filenames matching the wildcard) before it runs the command, meaning that the command only sees the list of filenames matching the wildcard, rather than the wildcard expression itself.

removing files#


In the Unix shell, there is no “recycle bin” to recover deleted files/folders - once you use rm to remove something, it’s gone.

Be sure to use this command with caution!

To delete (remove) files, we use the rm command:

rm file

As with copying, in order to remove a directory, we need to use the -r option:

rm -r directory



This is not to say that text editors cannot display text using particular styles, such as syntax highlighting. In fact, most text editors can be configured for syntax highlighting, which is especially useful for editing scripts.


Without the -s option, ln creates a hard link rather than a symbolic link. In effect, a hard link creates a new file in the filesystem with a link to the same space on the disk. A symbolic link is a file that links to a different name in the filesystem, similar to a shortcut in Windows.