
vulcan is the older HPC in the School, with 15 nodes (14 compute nodes + 1 head node). 12 of the compute nodes have 16 CPUs and 96-128 GB RAM each, and two of the nodes have 64 CPUs with 512 GB RAM each. The operating system is CentOS Linux 7.9.2009, which uses the bash shell by default.


The job scheduler on vulcan is PBS Torque, an open-source implementation of the original “portable batch system” developed by NASA, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and MRJ Technology Solutions.

A list of basic commands used by Torque are below - remember to use man, help, or an internet search for more information about optional arguments:




submitting a job

qstat -u USER

getting the current status of {USER}’s jobs

qdel JOBID

cancel {JOBID}

Just as we did on atlas, we’ll create a dummy job script, then look at how we can use each of these commands in turn.

Start by using nano to create a new file,, then paste the following script, save, and exit:

### put the job name here - this will help you identify it
#PBS -N first_job

### tell PBS where to print the output and error logs:

### time needed to execute, in HH:MM:SS
#PBS -l walltime=00:01:20

### specify the resources required
# PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1

### run the following commands
echo "This script is running on: "$HOSTNAME
echo "This script was submitted by: "$USER
sleep 60

Like with Slurm, we use a special kind of comment to pass information to the job scheduler. Each of these lines begins like this:


and includes additional information used by the scheduler. For a more complete guide to these options, see here.

Next, we can submit our job using qsub:


Below this, you should see the job ID print to the terminal - it will look something like [[:digit:]]{4}.vulcan.

To check that our job is running, we can use qstat. Without any arguments, qstat prints the status of jobs submitted by the current user (which should be you!):


You should see something like the following:

the output of the qstat command, showing the currently running jobs for the user

In each row of the table, you can see the job id(s) for any jobs that have been submitted, the name of the job, the name of the user that submitted the job, the amount of time used (HH:MM:SS), the status of the job (S), and which queue the job is running in.

The status of the job will typically be one of the following values:

  • Q: the job is currently queued to run

  • R: the job is currently running

  • E: the job is exiting with an error

  • C: the job is completed

To see the output of the job once it has completed, we can look at the file ${PBS_JOBNAME}.o${PBS_JOBID}:

the contents of the output file showing using cat

If the job produced any error messages, we can also check these by examining the file ${PBS_JOBNAME}.e${PBS_JOBID}.

specifying resources#

In the example above, we used the -l argument with PBS to specify both the total time needed for the job (walltime), and how may nodes and processors per node (nodes=1:ppn=1) we needed for our job.

We can also use -l to specify a memory limit for each process. For example, to set a limit of 400MB, we can use the following:

#PBS -l mem=400MB

Instead of the “wall time” (the amount of time from the start of the job until it is completed), we can also specify the CPU time needed:

#PBS -cput=<limit>

Note that this is not the same as the wall time - it is the total time that is actively used by all of the processors running the job. If you’re not entirely sure how much CPU time you need, it’s probably best to stick to wall time.

the torque environment#

By default, when you submit a job using qsub, the script runs in the same environment as when you first log in. This means that:

  • the default working directory is your HOME directory. Any relative paths used in your script will be relative to that directory.

  • any environment variables (e.g., PATH) will be the same as they are when you first log in. This means that you need to remember to update variables within the script, or use the -V option with qsub to export environment variables to the job environment.

advanced: using /tmp effectively#

Unfortunately, the main storage disk used with vulcan (mounted at /mnt/DATA) is not well-suited to read/write intensive processing. If the software you are running does a lot of reading/writing to the disk, this can slow your jobs to a halt.

Fortunately, we have a small workaround: the /tmp directory. On each node, there is a “small” (~350 GB) SSD drive attached to each compute node, which can be used as temporary storage while running a job. The best way to do this is by including the following steps in your script:

  • use mkdir to create a new directory on /tmp, unique to your particular job: mkdir /tmp/d${PBS_JOBID}. Using the variable ${PBS_JOBID} ensures that the directory is unique for each job.

  • copy the necessary files to this temporary directory

  • run the actual job

  • copy the necessary files from the temporary directory

  • remove the temporary directory

The easiest way to ensure that the directory is removed is by including the following code at the beginning of your script (after the header):

function clean_tmp {
    rm -rf /tmp/d${PBS_JOBID}

trap clean_tmp EXIT

This creates a function, clean_tmp, that removes the directory /tmp/d${PBS_JOBID}. The second block, trap clean_tmp EXIT, ensures that before exiting for any reason, your script runs the clean_tmp function - in other words, your script will automatically remove the temporary directory whenever it finishes, either successfully or due to an error.

A full example using this workflow is shown in the sample script below. Feel free to copy and adjust the script for your own use - just remember that it will only work on a system that uses the Torque HPC scheduler.

sample script#

### put the job name here - this will help you identify it
#PBS -N name

### tell PBS where to print the output and error logs:

### time needed to execute, in HH:MM:SS
#PBS -l walltime=HH:MM:SS

### specify the resources required
# PBS -l nodes=XX:ppn=XX

### use trap to remove temporary directories
function clean_tmp {
    rm -rf /tmp/d${PBS_JOBID}

trap clean_tmp EXIT

### run the following commands
# set the directory where the data are kept

# create the temporary directory
mkdir -p $tmpdir

# copy files to the temporary directory
cp -rv $datadir $tmpdir

# copy files from the temporary directory
cp -rv $tmpdir $datadir